Factors Involved in the Annual Cost to Operate a Gas Fireplace

One of the most common questions people ask about a gas fireplace has to do with its cost. How much is it going to cost to run a gas fireplace or gas insert on an annual basis? The answer is that it depends. There are several factors that will be addressed. In general, the annual cost to run a gas fireplace is going to land somewhere between $500 and $1000; however, this is a broad generalization that is subject to change based on several variables.

1. The Possibility of Repairs

Like other appliances, gas fireplaces need to be maintained regularly. Any homeowners that neglect routine maintenance on a gas fireplace could be opening themselves up to repairs, which could dramatically change the cost of a fireplace. Make sure the fireplace is up to date on its maintenance.

2. The Size of the Home

One of the most important factors involved in the cost of a gas fireplace is the size of the home. The larger the home in terms of square footage, the more heat the gas fireplace will have to produce to keep the home warm. In large houses, expect the average cost of the gas fireplace to be slightly higher.

3. The Height of the Ceilings

In addition to the square footage of the home, the height of the ceilings will also play a role. In homes that have vaulted ceilings, there is home space to heat. The higher the ceilings, the more space there is for the gas fireplace to warm. This could drive up the cost.

4. The Location of the Home

Of course, the longer the fireplace is running, the higher the cost is going to be. Some homes that are located in cold areas might have the gas fireplace running all the time. The longer the fireplace runs, the greater the cost. In contrast, some people live in warmer climates where the gas fireplace might not run as often. In these parts of the country, the cost will be less.

5. The Insulation of the Home

The construction of the home is one of the most commonly overlooked factors in the cost of a gas fireplace. If the home is well-insulated, then the gas fireplace might not have to work as hard. If the windows have been sealed and there aren’t gaps between the door and the outside world, then the home requires less energy to heat. These are factors that will reduce the cost of a gas fireplace. On the other hand, older homes commonly lack these features. Therefore, the cost to run a gas fireplace will be higher.

6. The Age of the Gas Fireplace

Older gas fireplaces tend to require more gas to produce the same results. Newer gas fireplaces are more efficient, so even though they require a larger upfront investment, they cost less money to run. The age of the gas fireplace will play a role in the gas fireplace heating costs.

7. The Cost of Gas

Finally, do not overlook the cost of gas. Natural gas is required to run a gas fireplace. In some places, the cost of gas might be $1 per therm; however, in other parts of the country, it might be twice this price. This will dramatically influence the cost of running a gas fireplace. Take a look at the price of gas in the local region.

Learn More About Gas Fireplace Costs

There are a few of the many factors that will play a role in gas fireplace heating costs. If you want to learn more about how to reduce your gas fireplace cost, give us a call today!

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