Numerous marketing templates have already been designed for you as a franchise owner; all you need to do is insert your city’s name, phone number, and pricing information. We provide marketing support. It takes only a few phone calls to implement your chimney sweeping franchise marketing campaign. Our franchise representatives are familiar with both the chimney sweeping industry and the Midtown Chimney Sweeps business model.
Marketing Avatars
Perhaps one of the most extraordinary marketing support techniques you will be exposed to is our proprietary list of organically created and constantly improving customer avatars. Because our founder struggled as a small business owner to find the best marketing tools and concepts, we have created an easy to understand series of target marketing profiles aimed at specific idealized customer types. These customer types are organized into “customer avatars” and studied as individuals and members of a group, yielding unique insight into how to market the chimney sweeping service. While at first glance these avatars may seem only good for theoretical classroom study, upon deeper discussion you will learn some surprising insights about your customers. Marketing support is critical in this modern marketplace, and Midtown is on the cutting edge.
“How will you get me customers?”
This of course is every candidates question! The answer is, by hard work, just like anything else! We work hard and stay dedicated as we move your customer list into the 21st Century marketing world of Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Bing, Yahoo Local, and the online directories. You the franchisee are responsible for developing your local market and shaking hands. We quantify this process by calling it Mayor of the Town. We will show you how to develop local contacts with property managers and realtors in a way that you will get jobs booked. To a small business person it is critical that the phone ring.
Critical Marketing
What is critical marketing? The kind that gets customers booked on your schedule! Critical marketing is not JUST getting names on a schedule however, but doing it the least expensive way possible. Our proprietary software gives you reports that show you how valuable certain jobs are to you based on customer feedback and satisfaction! At Midtown Chimney Sweeps you can click a button and see your blue collar return on investment (ROI). THAT IS MARKETING.
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