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Use your Ash!

With the colder winter months upon us, fireplaces and wood stoves will start to get more use.  With burning wood, ash is always an end product that needs to be disposed of.  With a little pre-planning and the tips from this article, you can turn a waste product into a valuable resource around the homestead and in the garden. Once you have a professional sweep come to your home to clean your chimney, put the left over ash to good use!

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Clean your Dryer Vent!

If your clothes dryer is doing its job, leaving your clothes fresh, warm and dry, you may think it doesn't need any maintenance—but it does. In fact, in addition to cleaning out the lint screen after every load, your dryer requires regular maintenance that can help it dry clothes faster, use less electricity, and make it a safer appliance to use in your home.

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Welcome Adam Rebling

Midtown Chimney Sweeps sends out it's warmest welcome to Adam Rebling of Iowa! He is the newest addition to the Midtown Chimney Sweeps family. I wanted to share a little about him to our community. We couldn't be more proud that he chose Midtown Chimney Sweeps, and we are thrilled to now be offering chimney services in the great state of Iowa!

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