Why is My Chimney Tilted?

Chimneys can function effectively for many years if properly maintained. However, improperly maintained or constructed chimneys often start tilting in one direction. This is commonly caused by either destruction of the chimney’s masonry by moisture or problems with the chimney’s foundation, which is often a sign of improper construction. Unless the tilt is fixed by…

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What a Chimney Fire Does to Your Chimney?

If you plan on burning a fire, you have to make sure you do so safely. Even though you want the fire to keep your house warm, you also need to make sure your chimney is working properly. Many people associate the chimney with filtering smoke away from the house. Unfortunately, this does not mean…

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Chimney Damper: 3 Critical Jobs To Know

It is important for you to make sure your fireplace is working properly. If you have not used it in a while, you need to get it inspected and cleaned by a chimney sweep to make sure it is working efficiently. One of the most important parts of your chimney is the chimney damper. You…

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How to Get Rid of Harmful Chimney Plants

For many homeowners, a fireplace can be a nice escape from the cold winter temperatures. Besides adding natural beauty to your home, it can ensure warmth and comfort for both you and your family—and maybe even create the perfect setting for a homey get-together with your friends. But in order to safely enjoy your fireplace,…

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